Friday, March 11, 2011


I have always loved this talk given by President Uchtdorf because it really makes me examine my own life and how well I am developing the attribute of patience. I must ask myself, "Am I the child who eats the marshmallow right away or do I patiently wait out my time and receive the greater reward." I am reminded of the scripture found in Hebrews 6:12 which states, "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." At times the trials we are asked to bear may seem like more than we are able to patiently endure. But we are assured that through faith and patience we are able to "inherit the promises" that God has made to his children. I know that when I am tried and tested I always emerge on the other side a stronger and more compassionate person than before. Through my patience I learn to rely on my Savior Jesus Christ and allow him to guide and bless my life. Take for example the story of Job. Job was a righteous man who was faced with many severe trials. Through his faithful endurance, he received many incredible blessings that the Lord had in store for him. I challenge all who read this to find that trial in your life and bring it before the Lord in humble prayer. By doing so I promise that you will feel God's love for you and receive the strength necessary to weather the storms of life. May we always remember to place our lives in the hands of  our Heavenly Father and let him guide us through the tempest.

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