Saturday, March 26, 2011

Come What May and Love It

The council given to Elder Wirthlin as a boy is as applicable today as it was back then. One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life is that becoming angry, frustrated, or offended is my choice and not anyone else's. While there will be times in all of our lives that may cause us to become discouraged or even angry, we can always choose to find the good in every situation. We cannot always choose our trials but we can always choose our response to those trials. I have found that the trials in my life are easy to traverse when I focus of my Savior Jesus Christ. Through our suffering I believe we are drawn closer to him as we rely on the love, comfort, and peace that only he is able to supply. The trials and sorrows we face are in reality "forks" in the roads of our life. At each fork we are presented with a different direction to travel. We can choose the path of despair, brooding, and anger or we can choose the path of humility, happiness, and prayer. I especially enjoyed Elder Wirthlin's council on choosing to laugh instead of becoming angry. The world would be a very different place if people chose to be content instead of choosing to be angry. As stated in the video, we may not be able to enjoy the experience as it is happening but if we will rely on Jesus Christ and keep the commandments he has given us even when it is hard, then we will realize that he can lift us from our darkest moments. I promise you that if you will  approach your Father in Heaven in humble prayer that you will be able to feel the peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. The world has an endless supply of problems but as we learn to remember our Savior and continually strive to improve, then we will be able love whatever happens to come our way.

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